Personality development by Pushkar Raj Thakhur Advance course Urdu Hindi


Personal-growth Treatments Personal growth or development is constant throughout our lives. From the moment we are born, we face all the challenges that life brings us and we continually learn to develop resources that allow us to feel good about ourselves and our environment. This learning implies a wide deployment of our personal skills and our potentials that make it possible to increase our personal satisfaction and improve ourselves day by day, achieving the goals that enrich us as people and give meaning to our lives.

Personal growth or personal development is essential to feel free, and to be able to choose and put into practice all our resources to enjoy everything that surrounds us and to have the courage to overcome the challenges we may have.

Personal growth or development is necessary to develop and be masters of our own lives, becoming aware of our limits or mental blocks and the development of our capacities

Personal growth is a wonderful and amazing path that eases our level of consciousness and empowers us to gain confidence in ourselves. Personal growth represents a great inner adventure that no one can take from us.


Personal growth or development gives us the knowledge of ourselves and our great potential. Growth enriches us and enables us to function satisfactorily according to our needs and concerns.

Our growth or inner development allows us to:

Know ourselves (valuing our abilities and being aware of our blocks)

Affirming ourselves, valuing ourselves and deciding what we want.

Assume our responsibilities with courage

Trust ourselves without hesitation

Feel safe and with enough poise to solve difficulties

Know and manage our emotions to feel good

Free ourselves from our ties.

Favor our relationship with others and our environment.

Promote our independence and autonomy

Respect ourselves and gain respect and appreciation from others

Ability to face changes with optimism and poise

Increase our physical and emotional well-being

Enjoy and learn from our experiences

Learn to improve ourselves

Feel satisfied and a long etc.


In our practice, there are many people whom we have helped with our long experience for personal growth, treatments to facilitate and promote their discovery and personal development.

Helping you, if you wish, in your life and personal adventure is a great satisfaction for us, opening you up and being more aware of your ways of personal knowledge and inner satisfaction. You will be able to increase your full potential and you will become aware of everything that can enrich your life and provide you with security and the desire to move forward.

We will open your wings to fly and you will feel the pleasure of being yourself in freedom.

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